Job Seeker Resources

Manufacturing is a leader in technology and innovation, offering many different types of jobs and opportunities to advance your skills training. With so many Central Wisconsin companies currently looking to hire new employees, now is an ideal time to consider a successful career in manufacturing! Click on the links below to discover free skills training programs, get an inside look at careers in manufacturing, and find employers who are hiring.

Learn About Move To Manufacturing

Visit M2M Website

Skills Training

Through a collaboration with NTC’s Move to Manufacturing Program, anyone interested in a manufacturing career can enroll into this free skills training opportunity. You’ll receive 8 hours of online and 20 hours of in-person training on your schedule. You can even experience Move to Manufacturing at no risk of leaving your current employer as the schedule is designed with the trainee in mind. (link to M2M)

Job Openings

Connect directly with CWIMA members and find many different positions and growth opportunities available for skilled workers in Central Wisconsin.

See posted job openings


CWIMA has many members who also have job links posted on their profiles.

Member Directory