Who We Are

Who is the Central Wisconsin Manufacturing Alliance (CWIMA)?

The Central Wisconsin Manufacturing Alliance (CWIMA, pronounced “swima”) exists to share valuable resources, events, and unified voice to promote manufacturing in our region.

The Central Wisconsin Manufacturing Alliance (CWIMA) is dedicated to enhancing the visibility and understanding of the significant economic impacts and products of local manufacturers. By leveraging skills training, CWIMA opens up numerous career opportunities in the manufacturing sector, playing a crucial role in workforce development. This initiative is not only about building robust relationships with manufacturers but also involves engaging educators, students, parents, and community members to foster a deeper appreciation and interest in the manufacturing field.

Furthermore, CWIMA is committed to transforming the public perception of manufacturing and skilled trades, which is often misunderstood. They aim to present manufacturing as a viable and rewarding career path through various outreach and educational programs. A key priority for the alliance is addressing the challenge of finding and retaining talent in the manufacturing industry. In collaboration with local K-12 educators, CWIMA actively showcases the in-demand careers and growth opportunities within the sector. This partnership helps to connect students and job seekers directly with local companies, thereby enriching the talent pool and helping to shift the perception towards a more positive view of the manufacturing trades.

Join CWIMA today to sustain the future of manufacturing in Central Wisconsin!
