5 Tips for a Great Interview!

Career Center,

Preparing for an interview is one of the best ways to avoid feeling nervous, so don’t underestimate the rewards you will reap by taking the following steps:

  1. Prepare! Even if you are applying for a job that you feel confident about performing the responsibilities, it’s still important to take some time to re-read your resume and the job posting. Look at sample interview questions - they can easily be found on the internet and then think through how you would answer. Talk with friends and family members about the interview process and ask them to share some of their interview experiences.  

  2. Look at the job posting and your resume to see what experiences or stories you could highlight during the interview that are relevant to the position for which you are applying. Make sure that your resume genuinely reflects your work history, including job titles and dates you were employed.

  3. Use your active listening skills. Active listening is giving full attention to the interviewer and offering non-verbal feedback, such as a smile, a nod, or a slight lean forward to show your interest. This conveys that you are enthusiastic about the job. Active listening also allows you to better hear important job requirements and better hear and understand the questions.  

  4. Respond fully to the questions. If you do not understand the question, ask the interviewer to repeat the question or ask for classification. Answer succinctly and confidently.

  5. Mean business! Help the interviewer visualize you in the role by communicating about the job and the business in a professional manner. When given an opportunity to engage in small talk, typically in the beginning of the interview, ask questions about the business. Make sure you maintain good posture and dress for the work culture. If you are unsure of what that is, ask prior to the interview.  