Organization Overview

What started merely as a milk route resulted in one of the best complex metal fabricators in the United States.

Schuette Movers

Three brothers, Earl, Marv, and Cliff Schuette started a sawmill based on profits from a milk route, selling framing lumber to builders. After World War II, the family expanded their business, including a sawmill, a one-stop building center, called Schuette Builders, and Schuette Movers.

Schuette incorporated in 1957.

Finding our Niche

Our A-Ha! moment came when a large agricultural original equipment manufacturer (OEM) asked us to solve a problem. They needed fabrication for an intricate part but couldn’t find a supplier. Working together, we designed and fabricated the complicated part they needed.

After they told us that there wasn’t another company with our ability, we realized we were unique. We built our reputation as the go-to metal fabrication company for complicated manufacturing.

We fabricate OEM parts including engine mounts, speaker frames, bulldozer rock guards, and components used in tractors, combines, bulldozers, front-end loaders, or industrial tractors.

We’ve expanded to include the Agricultural, Defense, Construction, Industrial, and Access Equipment markets. We’ve also implemented a Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) process, helping our customers by improving quality and lead-times.

Taking Care of Our People

Nearly 170 people work for Schuette and we take care of them. We’ve installed an air quality system second to none. Every welding station has a smoke extraction arm pulling smoke away from their breathing zone. Finally, the shop is climate controlled.

Why so much effort? Two reasons: we want to hire the best people and keep the best employees.

Our president, John Peterson, sums it up nicely:

“You can have all the buildings and the equipment in the world, but if you don’t have people to work in the facility, it doesn’t do you much good.”
John Peterson
John Peterson Owner/CEO
Amanda Peteson Continuous Improvement Specialist
Dave Manney
Jessica Hilgart Human Resource Specialist
Jim Schebelski
Jim Shebelski
Kevin Minton
Max Gillette
Nick Dahnke
Rick White
Tony Schmidt
CWIMA Logo Manufacturer Member

Number of Employees